ChineseThe 3rd Productions—Theme"Next Generation's Homeland"

- 1428
- Du Haibin
- China2009 / 116min / HDV
- New seeds sown, destroyed houses rebuilt, even lost lives can be replaced by new births. But limits of human nature will drag humanity down if we fail to confront and reflect on our behaviour. Pain could be eased, memories could fade, but disaster may com

- Game Theory
- Wang Qingren
- China2010 / 91min / DVCAM
- Farmers rely on their land for survival. However, in China, those who rely on their land have neither ownership of this land, nor the guarantee of land-use rights, Farmers have paid an especially heavy price in their efforts to protect their land-use...

- Dragon Boat
- Cao Dan
- China2010 / 84min / DVCAM
- The poet is a symbol of men's deep respect for the Right Way. When they celebrate his memory, it is both a day of remembrance and a celebration of life… Humble farmers, who had to submit to government sovereignty in order to make a living, are now reg

- Where Should I Go?
- Li Junhu
- China2010 / 60min / DVCAM
- One does not drift because one is homeless; rather, one drifts in search of a better place to call home.

- Almost In Life
- Wuna WU
- Taiwan2010 / 41min / HDV
- Moving from and to the beautiful and peaceful spaces, Wuna shows us what people are gazing towards, rather than their past stories.

- Trashy Treasure
- Hogan Lee
- Taiwan2010 / 18min / HDV
- Rather than drown by the trash we make, why not treasure them like we treasure those new products we just purchased?

- Paper House
- Fan Popo,Zheng Xiao
- China2009 / 20min / DVCAM
- “From the beginning, I have always told my students, the main purpose of this project is not just setting up the houses. To me, it is more important is to build a bridge of friendship between Chinese and Japanese…” With this mindset, Japanese architect Sh